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Li Yalin
Date:2023-01-02  View:

Curriculum Vitae




Li Yalin

Doctor of Engineering

Associate Professor

Tel.: 13775356353

Email: ylli@ujs.edu.cn

Location: Room 605, Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology, Jiangsu University


Fields of research:

Theory, Design, and CFD of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery as well as Fluid Machinery

Granted Projects:

1.Youth program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (51809120), under research and presided over.

2.Jiangsu Natural Science Foundation Youth Project (bk20180871), in research, chair.

First class funding (2018m640462), in research, presided over.

Main Publications:

  1. X.K. Wang, B.Y. Su, Y.L. Li, C. Wang, Vortex formation and evolution process in an impulsively starting jet from long pipe, Ocean Engineering, 2019, 176: 134-143.SCI

  2. X.K. Wang, Y.L. Li, S.Q. Yuan, S.K. Tan, Flow past a near-wall retrograde rotating cylinder at varying rotation and gap ratios, Ocean Engineering, 2018, 156: 240-251.SCI

  3. Yalin li, Xikun Wang, Bo Zhou, Shouqi Yuan, Soon Keat Tan. Dean instability and secondary flow structure in curved rectangular ducts, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2017, 68: 189-202.SCI

  4. Xikun Wang, Chuan Wang, Yalin Li, Soon Keat Tan, Flow patterns of a low mass-damping cylinder undergoing vortex-induced vibration: Transition from initial branch and upper branch, Applied Ocean Research, 2017, 62:89-99.SCI

  5. Yalin Li, Xikun Wang, Shouqi Yuan, Soon Keat Tan, Flow development in curved rectangular ducts with continuously varying curvature, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2016, 75: 1-15.SCI

  6. Yalin Li, Shouqi Yuan, Xikun Wang, Soon Keat Tan, Jieyun Mao, Comparison of flow fields in a centrifugal pump among different tracer particles by particle image velocimetry, Journal of Fluids Engineering - Transactions of the ASME, 2016, 138(6): 061105-1-14.SCI

  7. Zhou Bo, Li Yalin, Wang Xikun, Wei Guo, Soon Keat Tan, Experimental study of dynamic drag and lift characteristics of dimpled cylinders, Marine Technology Society Journal, 2016, 50(1): 56-61.SCI

  8. LI Ya-lin, YUAN Shou-qi, TANG Yue, YUAN Jian-ping, Motion of tracer particles in a centrifugal pump and its tracking characteristics, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2012, 24(5): 785-793.SCI

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