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Wang Longyan
Date:2023-01-06  View:

Curriculum Vitae





Wang Longyan

Doctor of Engineering

Assistant Professor

TEL: 15252927195

Email: longyan.wang@ujs.edu.cn

Location: Room 401, Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology, Jiangsu University


Fields of research:

Optimal design of renewable energy and fluid machinery

Main Publications:

  1. Jianping Yuan*, Longyan Wang, Zhixia He, et. al. The research of performance comparison of displacement and mixing ventilation system in catering kitchen. (Journal of Environmental Protection, 2013, 4, 638-646)

  2. Longyan Wang*, Andy Tan, Yuantong Gu, Jianping Yuan. A new constraint handling method for wind farm layout optimization with lands owned by different owners. (Renewable Energy, 2015. 83: p. 151-161)

  3. Longyan Wang, Andy Tan*, Yuantong Gu. Comparative study on optimizing the wind farm layout using different design methods and cost models. (Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2015, 146: p. 1-10)

  4. Longyan Wang*, Andy Tan, Yuantong Gu. A novel control strategy approach to optimally design a wind farm layout. (Renewable Energy, 2016. 95: p. 10-21)

  5. . Longyan Wang, Andy Tan, Michael Cholette, Yuantong Gu*. Comparison of the effectiveness of analytical wake models for wind farm with constant or variable hub heights. (Energy Conversion and Management, 2016. 124: p. 189-202)

  6. Longyan Wang, Andy Tan, Michael Cholette, Yuantong Gu*. Optimization of wind farm layout with complex land divisions. (Renewable Energy, 2017. 105: p. 30-40)

  7. Longyan Wang, Michael Cholette, Andy Tan, Yuantong Gu*. A computationally-efficient layout optimization method for real wind farms considering altitude variations. (Energy, 2017. 132: p. 147-159)

  8. Longyan Wang*, Manshan Kan Md Rifat Shahriar, et. al. Different approaches of applying single-objective binary genetic algorithm on the wind farm design. (9th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management in Oct. 2014 in Pretoria, South Africa)

  9. Md. Rifat Shahriar, Longyan Wang*, Manshan Kan, et. al. Fault detection of wind turbine drivetrain utilizing power-speed characteristics (9th WCEAM research papers, 2015, Springer, p:143-155)

  10. Longyan Wang*, Md Rifat Shahriar, Andy Tan, et. al. Optimal design of wind farm layout and control strategy. (11th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimisation in June, 2015 in Sydney, Australia)

  11. Longyan Wang*, Jeerasit Bumrungpetch, Yuantong Gu, et. al. Study of single wind turbine wake and multiple wake deficits in wind farm using Computational Fluid Dynamics. (2nd Australiasian Conference on Computational Mechanics in Nov. 2015 in Brisbane, Australia)

  12. . Longyan Wang*, Andy Tan, Michael Cholette, Yuantong Gu. Optimizing the unrestricted wind turbine placements with different turbine hub heights. (11th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management to be held in July, 2016 in Jiuzhaigou, China)

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