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Zhu Rongsheng
Date:2019-12-07  View:

Curriculum Vitae




Zhu Rongsheng

Doctor of Engineering


TEL: 13951286126

Email: zrs@ujs.edu.cn

Location: Room 404, Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology, Jiangsu University


Fields of research:

1. research on Key Technologies of transient flow characteristics and structural reliability of nuclear power pump;

2. the design of special medium circulation and the development of efficient transportation equipment in the development and utilization of new energy;

3.  the internal flow theory, efficient design and optimization of agitators and aerators for environmental protection;

4. internal flow mechanism and unsteady flow characteristics of solid-liquid two-phase flow pump;

5. hydraulic model development, structural design, CFD analysis and experimental research of centrifugal pump, mixed flow pump and axial flow pump.

Granted Projects:

1. general program of NSFC (51379091), research on mechanism and transient characteristics of vapor-liquid two-phase flow of nuclear main pump, 2014-2017, presided over, completed

2. National Science and technology support plan (2011baf14b04), research on Key Technologies of million kilowatt nuclear ionization pump, 2011-2014, presided over by No.2, completed

3. National Natural Science Foundation of China (51509112), research on nonlinear idle transient process of nuclear main pump under accident conditions, 2016-2018, 2nd chair, in research

Main Publications:

1. Zhu Rongsheng, Wang Xiuli, Long Yun, et al. Transient dynamic characteristics study on reactor coolant pump in variable working conditions[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 601:258-264.,SCI

2. Zhu Rongsheng, Fu Qiang, Liu Yong, et al.The research and test of the cavitation performance of first stage impeller of centrifugal charging pump in nuclear power stations[J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2016, 300 : 74-84.SCI)

3. Zhu Rongsheng, Wang Xiuli, Fu Qiang, et al. Features of Transient Flow during Collapse of Nuclear Power Pump Cavitation[J]. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 2014, 8(3): 1185-1190. SCI)

4. Zhu Rongsheng, Liu Yong, Wang Xiuli, et al. The research on AP1000 nuclear main pumps' complete characteristics and the normalization method[J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2017, 99: 1-8. SCI)

5. Lu Yonggang, Zhu Rongsheng, Wang Xiuli, et al. Study on gas-liquid two-phase all-characteristics of CAP1400 nuclear main pump[J]. Nuclear Engineering & Design, 2017, 319:140-148. SCI)

6. Lu Yonggang, Zhu Rongsheng, Wang Xiuli, et al. Study on the complete rotational characteristic of coolant pump in the gas-liquid two-phase operating condition[J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2019, 123:180-189. SCI)

7. Long Yun, Zhu Rongsheng, Wang Dezhong, et al. Numerical and experimental investigation on the diffuser optimization of a reactor coolant pumpwith orthogonal test approach[J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2016, 30(11): 4941-4948. SCI)


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