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Zhang Jinfeng
Date:2023-02-28  View:

Curriculum Vitae

Zhang Jinfeng

Doctor of Engineering

Associate Professor

TEL: 13776476981

Email: zhangjinfeng@ujs.edu.cn

Location: Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology, Jiangsu University


Fields of research:

1. Design methods and their optimization for centrifugal pumps.

2. Study on the Inner flow characteristics of fluid machinery based on CFD and PIV.

3. Development of Micro hydropower generator for rural area.

Education and work experience:

2005/09-2007/12, Jiangsu University, Fluid Machinery and Engineering, Ph.D.

2002/09-2004/12, Jiangsu University, Fluid Machinery and Engineering, Master

1998/09-2002/06, Jiangsu Institute of science and Technology University (present: Jiangsu University) Thermal and Power Engineering, Bachelor

2008/04-2013/04, Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering, Jiangsu University, Assistant researcher

2013/12-2014/12, Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, Germany, visiting scholar

2013/04-now, Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering, Jiangsu University, Associate researcher

Main Publications:

1. Zhang Jinfeng, Li Guidong, Mao Jieyun, et al. Effects of the outlet position of splitter blade on the flow characteristics in low-specific-speed centrifugal pump[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2018, 10(7) [SCI]

2. Zhang Jinfeng, Adu Daniel, Fang Yujian and Yin Tingyun. Review of the sub-Saharan African small hydropower situation [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Energy, 2018, 171(3):1-30 [SCI]

3. Zhang Jinfeng, Desmond Appiah, Zhang Fan, et al. Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Pressure Pulsation in a Pump Mode operation of a pump as turbine[J]. Energy Science &Engineering, 2019, 7(4): 1264-1279 [SCI]

4. Zhang Jinfeng, Li Guidong, Mao Jieyun, et al. Effects of trailing edge position of splitter blade on the pressure pulsation in a low specific centrifugal pump[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Part A power and energy, accepted [SCI]

5. Zhang Jinfeng, Chen Hongjun, Zhou Bo, Wang Xikun. Flow around an array of four equispaced square cylinders[J]. Applied Ocean Research, 2019(89): 237-250 [SCI]

6. Zhang Jinfeng; Adu Daniel, et.al. Strategic thinking on development of small Hydropower for Energy generation based on Its Environmental management Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology Volume: 123 Special Issue: SI Supplement: 3(2018). [SCI]

7. Zhang Jinfeng, Daniel Adu, et.al. Renewable Energy Situation in Ghana and Future Prospect, Journal of Clean Energy Technologies, 2018, 6(4): 284-288.[EI]

8. Guidong Li, Zhang Jinfeng, Mao Jieyun et al. Effects of splitter blades on transient flow and time-frequency characteristics in a low-specific-speed centrifugal pump[J]. part A: Power and Energy

9. Daniel A., Zhang Jinfeng, Fang Yujian, et al. Review on S-Shape Characteristics of Pump Turbine for Hydropower Generation[J]. Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2017, 4(4): 43-50.

10. Daniel Adu, Zhang Jinfeng, Mao Jieyun, Stephen Ntiri Asomani, Majeed Osman Koranteng. Numerical investigation of transient vortices and turbulent flow behaviour in centrifugal pump operating in reverse mode as turbine[J]. Materials Science for Energy Technologies, Volume 2, Issue 2, August 2019, Pages 356-364

11. Franco Magagnato, Zhang* Jinfeng. Simulation of a centrifugal pump by using the Harmonic Balance Method[J]. International Journal of Rotating Machinery, 2015(5)

12. Zhang Jinfeng*, Yuan Ye, Yuan Shouqi, Lu Weigang, Yuan Jianping. Experimental studies on the optimization design of a low specific speed centrifugal pump [C]. 26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Aug, Beijing China, IAHRXXVI-040. 2012

13. Zhang Jinfeng*,Yuan Shouqi,Shen Yanning, Zhang Weijie. Performance prediction for a centrifugal pump with splitter blades based on BP artificial neural network [C]. LSMS-ICSEE,Wuxi,China,2010

14. Yuan Shouqi,Zhang Jinfeng*,Yuan Jianping, et al. Research on the design method of the centrifugal pump with splitter blades [C]. ASME fluid Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Vail, Colonado, 2009

15. Yuan Shouqi*, Ye Liting, Zhang Jinfeng, et al. Effects of splitter blades on the unsteady flow of a centrifugal pump[C]. Proceedings of ASME Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting FEDSM2012-72155, July 8-12, Puerto Rico, USA. 2012

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