Name: Linlin Geng
Date of birth:19/11/1991
Address: Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
2017 ~ 2021 Department of Fluid Mechanics, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya BarcelonaTech (UPC), Supervisor: Xavier Escaler
2014 ~ 2017 Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology, Jiangsu University, China.
2010 ~ 2014 Department of Energy and Power Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, China.
PhD Studying Interest
1.Accurately predicting unsteady cloud cavitation around a hydrofoil by investigating the sensitivity of numerical parameters and by comparing the performances of different URANS models.
2.Improving the performance of cavitation models on capturing the cavity behavior by optimizing the combination of cavitation model’s coefficients and by considering the second order term in Rayleigh-Plesset equation.
3.Studying the factors (e.g., the driving pressure, the cavitation models) influencing the erosion prediction results, uncovering the main erosion characters of unsteady cloud cavitation, and Analyzing the influence of free stream velocity on the erosion intensity.
1.Assessment of RANS turbulence models and Zwart cavitation model empirical coefficients for the simulation of unsteady cloud cavitation.Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2020, 14(1): 151-167.Geng Linin, Escaler Xavier*.(IF 5.8).
2.Improvement of cavitation mass transfer modeling by including Rayleigh-Plesset equation second order term.European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids,2020. 84:313-324,Geng Linlin,Chen J, Escaler Xavier*.(IF 2.131, Q2).
3.Numerical Simulation of Cavitation Erosion Aggressiveness Induced by Unsteady Cloud Cavitation.Applied Sciences, 2020, 10(15): 5184.Geng Linlin,Chen J,Oscar T and Xavier Escaler*.(IF 2.274, Q2).
4.Recommendations for the simulation of unsteady cloud cavitation around 2D hydrofoils with density corrected model //[C].The 3rd International Symposium of Cavitation and Multiphase Flow, Shanghai, China, Apr. 19-22, 2019.Geng Linin, Escaler Xavier*.