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Chen Jia
Date:2023-03-17  View:

Jia Chen

Doctor of Engineering

Research Assistant

Date of birth: Mar 05, 1991

Email: jchen@ujs.edu.cn

Location: Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology, Jiangsu University

Educational Background:

Sep. 2016-Feb. 2021: Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering, Gyeongsang National University, Korea

Sep. 2013-Jun. 2016: M.S. Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology,

JiangSuUniversity, China

Sep. 2009-Jun. 2013: B.S. School of Energy and Power Engineering, JiangSu University, China

Fields of Research:

[1]Interfacial flow and slip characterization in complex fluids

[2]Effects of particle suspension on fluid rheology

[3]Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

[4]Unsteady flow and its control technology of vane pump

Main Publications:

[1]J. Chen, S.M. Han, W.R. Hwang*, Effective Navier-slip in non-Newtonian fluid flows over corrugated surfaces[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32, 113103.(SCI, IF:3.521)

[2]J. Chen,Y.J. Kim, W.R. Hwang*, General criteria for the estimation of effective slip length over corrugated surfaces[J]. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2020, 24, 68.(SCI, IF:2.526)

[3]J. Chen,W.R. Hwang*, Shear rheology of circular particle suspensions in a Bingham fluid using numerical simulations[J]. Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 2021, 33(3):273-282. (SCI, IF:1.446)

Main Conferences:

[1]J. Chen, W. R. Hwang (2020) "Direct numerical simulations of circular particle suspension in a Bingham fluid", The 15th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologists (IWEAYR-15), Changchun, China, Jan. 8-11.

[2]J. Chen, W. R. Hwang (2019) "Characterization of the effective slip in non-Newtonian fluid flows over corrugated surfaces in terms of the energy dissipation rate", 2019 Annual European Rheology Conference (AERC2019), Portorož, Slovenia, April.8-11.

[3]J. Chen, H.K. Jang, W. R. Hwang (2018) "On the effective slip for Non-Newtonian flows over corrugated surfaces", The 17th Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology (PRCR 2018), Jeju, Korea, June.10-15.

[4]J. Chen, W. R. Hwang (2017) "On the effective slip for flows over corrugated surfaces", The 12th International Symposium on Mechanics, Aerospace and Informatics Engineering 2017 (ISMAI-09 2017), Goeje, Korea, Sep. 7-9.

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