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Li Guidong
Date:2023-02-26  View:

Name: Guidong Li

Gender: Male

Current position: Associate Professor

Major: Fluid machinery and Engineering

E-mail: liguidong1201@163.com

Address: No.301, XueFu Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, China

Education Background

2016.10 - 2020.10 University of Oviedo,

Energy and Process Control, Doctoral degree

2012.09 - 2015.07 Jiangsu University,

Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics, Master degree

2008.09 - 2012.07 Lanzhou University of Technology

Thermal Energy and Power Engineering, Undergraduate

Academic Positions:

Associate Professor of Fluid Mechanics at the Jiangsu University, since 2021.07.

Main research activities:

Current research interests include both experimental and numerical studies on different issues related to fluid machinery, hydraulic systems, energy conversion and energy efficiency improvement.

Publications (selection):

[1] Li Guidong, Manuel García-Díaz, Guillermo Laine, et al. Geometry dependence of the acoustic transmission and reflection properties of centrifugal pumps based on an internal lumped parameter model[J]. Applied Acoustics, 2021, 176: 107874.

[2] Li Guidong, Zhang Jinfeng, Mao Jieyun, et al. Numerical investigation of the transient flow and frequency characteristics in a centrifugal pump with splitter blades[J]. Journal of Thermal Science, 2021, 30(2): 562-573.

[3] Li Guidong, Wang Yang, Mao Jieyun. Numerical investigation on the gas–liquid entraining and separating effects on self-priming performance in a flow-ejecting centrifugal pump[J]. Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2018: 0957650918784418.

Research projects:

[1] Special Supported Project of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation

[2] Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province

[3] Jiangsu University senior talent research start-up fund project

Copyright @ 2021 Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology
Adress : Jingkou District Zhenjiang province Jiangsu City Xuefu Road No. 301  Tel : 086-0511-88780280  Zip Code:212013