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Zhu Xingye
Date:2023-02-27  View:

Curriculum Vitae

Zhu Xingye 

Doctor of Engineering


Tel.: 0511-88780284

Email: zhuxy@ujs.edu.cn

Location: Room 408, Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology, Jiangsu University


Fields of research:

Numerical calculation of internal flow field of fluid machinery and modern testing technology

Design and development of new equipment, such as light and small-scale translation sprinkler and full jet sprinkler

Optimization model of different technical parameters of sprinkler irrigation and its influence law

Granted Projects:

1. research and development of green and efficient water-saving irrigation equipment suitable for typical agricultural areas in Northwest China. National key research and development plan of the 13th five year plan, Grant No..: 2016yfc040220

2. Research on the regulation mechanism and model of technical parameters of small and light sprinkler irrigation units. Specially funded by China Postdoctoral, Project No.: 2016t90428

3. R & D and application of high efficiency intelligent water fertilizer integrated sprinkler. Jiangsu agricultural machinery three new project, Project No.: nj2016-11

4. R & D and application of precision irrigation towed intelligent sprinkler. Jiangsu key R & D plan (Modern Agriculture), Project No.: be2015316

Main Publications:

4.Characteristics of fluidic sprinkler and variable-rate irrigation system[M]. Lambert Academic Publishing,2015. 10.

5.Comparison of fluidic and impact sprinklers based on hydraulic performance[J]. Irrigation Science, 2015, 33(5), 367-374.

6.Hydraulic performance assessment of LESA at low pressure [J]. Irrigation and Drainage, 2016,65(4):530-536

7.Review of intelligent sprinkler irrigation technologies for remote autonomous system. Int J Agric & Biol Eng, 2018, 11(1): 23–30.

8.Modeling the application depth and water distribution uniformity of a linearly moved irrigation system . Water. 2019, 11(4), 827; doi:10.3390/w11040827.

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