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Li Hong
Date:2023-02-26  View:

Curriculum Vitae

Li Hong 

Doctor of Engineering


Director of Science and Technology Department


Fields of research:

1. Research and development of water-saving irrigation, water-fertilizer integration technology and equipment, new water-saving irrigation systems and equipment

2. Research and development of medium and low consistency pulp pumping systems and other special pump systems

3. Research on the theory and design method of multi-operation pump

Education and work experience:

2009/07-2010/01 Visiting Scholar, Texas A & M University

2001/09-2007/06 Jiangsu University, major in fluid mechanical engineering, PhD

1997/09-2000/06 Jiangsu University of Science and Technology (now Jiangsu University), major in fluid mechanical engineering, master

1984/09-1988/06 Jiangsu Institute of Technology (now Jiangsu University), Hydraulic Machinery, Bachelor

Main Publications:

1. Li Hong, Issaka Zakaria, Jiang Yue, Tang Pan, Chen Chao. Influence of a fixed water dispersion device on jet dispersion and range from an impact sprinkler[J]. Irrigation and Drainage, 2019, 68: 669-678.

2. Tang Pan,Li Hong,Issaka Zakaria,Chen Chao.Effect of manifold layout and fertilizer solution concentration on fertilization and flushing times and uniformity of drip irrigation systems[J].Agricultural Water Management,2018,200:71-79.

3. Jiang Yue, Li Hong, Chen Chao, Xiang Qingjiang. Calculation and verification of formula for the range of sprinklers based on jet breakup length[J]. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2018; 11(1): 49–57.

4. Tang Pan,Li Hong,Issaka Zakaria,Chen Chao.Methodology to investigate the hydraulic characteristics of a water-powered piston-type proportional injector used for agricultural chemigation[J].Applied Engineering in Agriculture,2018,34(3):545-553.

5. Issaka Zakaria, Li Hong, Jiang Yue, Tang Pan, Chen Chao, Darko Opoku Ransford. Hydraulic performance characteristics of impact sprinkler with a fixed water dispersion device[J]. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2018,11(6): 104–112.

6. Issaka Zakaria, Li Hong, Jiang Yue, Tang Pan, Darko Opoku Ransford. Water-smart sprinkler irrigation, prerequisite to climate change adaptation: A review[J]. Journal of Water and Climate Change,2018,9(2): 383–398.

7. Tang Pan, Li Hong, Issaka Zakaria, Chen Chao. Impact forces on the drive spoon of a large cannon irrigation sprinkler: Simple theory, CFD numerical simulation and validation[J]. Biosystems Engineering, 2017, 159: 1-9

8. Jiang Yue, Li Hong, Xiang Qingjiang, Chen Chao. Investigation on spatial breakup characteristics of low-pressure jets with particle image velocimetry experiment and volume of fluid-level set simulation[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2016, Vol.8, No.3: 1-10.

9. Li Hong, Jiang Yue, Xu Min, Li Yimin, Chen Chao. Effect On Hydraulic Performance of Low-Pressure Sprinkler by an Intermittent Water Dispersion Device[J]. Transactions of the ASABE, 2016, 59(2): 521-532

10. Li Hong, Ye Daoxing, Zou Chenhai, Xue Zhikuan. Numerical investigation of degas performance on impeller of medium-consistency pump[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering,2015,7(12):1-9.

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