Curriculum Vitae

Pan Qiang
Doctor of Engineering
Assistant Professor
TEL: 15262901719
Location: Room 208, Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology, Jiangsu University
Fields of research:
1.Fish-friendly hydraulic machinery
2.CFD analysis on flow field of hydraulic machinery
3.High-efficiency pump model design, optimization and measurement
4.Vortical flow simulation, visualization experiment and vortex control in pump intake
Main Publications:
1. Zhao R, Pan Q, Zhang D, et al. Numerical investigation of evolution of free-surface and sub-face vortices in pump sump based on LES. The Second Conference of Global Chinese Scholar on Hydrodynamics. 2016, 522-529.
2. Zhao R, Pan Q, Shi W, et al. LES Study on the Transient Vortex Behavior and the Interaction with Neighboring Turbulent Flow in Pump Sump. The 14th Asian International Conference on Fluid Machinery, November, 2017, Zhenjiang, China.
3. Zhang D S, Pan Q, Hu Z, et al. Numerical simulation and optimization of solid-liquid two-phase flow in a back-swept axial-flow pump[J]. Thermal Science, 2017, 21:64-64.
4. Pan Q, Zhao R, Wang X, et al. LES study of transient behaviour and turbulent characteristics of free-surface and floor-attached vortices in pump sump[J]. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 2019, 57(5): 733-743.
5. Pan, Q, Shi, W D, Zhang, D S, et al. Fish-friendly design of an axial flow pump impeller based on a blade strike model[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2020. 234(2): 173-186.
6. Pan Q, Zhao R J, Jiang Q F, et al. Technological and economic analyses on power generation from the waste heat in a modified aluminum smelting pot[J]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2020, 44(3): 1735-1750.
7. Pan Q, Shi W, Zhang D, et al. Analysis, Design and Validation of a Vaned Diffuser for Improved Fish Friendliness[J]. ASME. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2021. doi: