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The Fluid Center of Jiangsu University organized the first working group meeting for the revision of the international standard ISO 8224-1:2003
Date:2023-11-26  View:

On November 15th, the first working group meeting for the revision of the international standard ISO 8224-1:2003, initiated by the Fluid Center of Jiangsu University, was conducted online. The meeting featured the participation of prominent figures, including Ms. Atarot Helen, the Secretary-General of ISO/TC23/SC18, Mr. Dill Gregg, an expert from the Canadian Standards Association, Mr. Camargo Antonio Pires, an expert from the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards, and researcher Zhao Liwei from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences Group Co., Ltd. Additionally, the meeting included the presence of experts such as researcher Yuan Shouqi, Director of the National Research Center of Pumps at Jiangsu University, researcher Zhang Jinfeng, researcher Tang Yue, researcher Liu Junping, associate researcher Tang Lingdi, associate professor Cao Puyu, and associate researcher Li Guidong from the Fluid Center. Dr. Fang Yujian from the National Pump Product Quality Inspection Center (Zhejiang) also attended the meeting. The revision convener, Yuan Shouqi, presided over the proceedings.

Since the 39th ISO/TC23/SC18 annual meeting held in Madrid in April, Yuan Shouqi provided an overview of the progress made by the Fluid Center's AHG4 working group in the revision of the international standard ISO 8224-1:2003, titled "Traveller irrigation machines—Part 1: Operational characteristics and laboratory and field test methods." The AHG4 working group conducted seminars with various testing departments and manufacturing enterprises, convening experts from six participating member countries, including Brazil, Canada, China, India, Israel, and the United States, to conduct extensive investigations and research on the revision of the standard.

Following these activities, Zhang Jinfeng presented a detailed report on the standard revision. In order to ensure that the standard encompasses a broader range of product types and provides accurate and reliable testing methods, adapting to current and future technological needs and market changes, the revision report proposed a comprehensive set of detailed revision plans. After the presentation of the revision report, attending experts fully acknowledged and highly praised the content. Secretary-General Atarot Helen recommended that the AHG4 working group engage with more foreign hose reel irrigation machine companies to gather additional technical requirements and revision suggestions. She once again commended the extensive work and efforts put forth by the Fluid Center's AHG4 working group in their research and reporting.

Expert Dill Gregg from the committee suggested improvements in the conciseness of the revision content. Expert Camargo Antonio Pires expressed agreement with the newly adopted test methods in the revision report and offered information on the operational range parameters of relevant company products. Finally, Secretary-General Atarot Helen provided suggestions for the next steps in revising the standard.

The working group meeting for the international standard revision received high recognition from the ISO/TC23/SC18 committee and experts from member countries. This contributes to enhancing our university's academic standing and reputation in the field of international standardization, laying a solid foundation for the university's international development and academic exchange cooperation. The revision of ISO 8224-1:2003 will also contribute to improving the international competitiveness of China's water-saving and energy-saving irrigation technology and equipment. By establishing more scientific and rigorous international standards, we can drive technological innovation and improvement in related industries, enhance product quality and technical levels, and gain a competitive edge in the international market, thus promoting the sustainable development of relevant industries in China.

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