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The Fluid Center Hosts Special Academic Lecture by Professor Jorge Parrondo from the University of Oviedo
Date:2024-05-22  View:

Recently, at the invitation of Associate Researcher Dr. Li Guidong, Professor Jorge Parrondo from the University of Oviedo, Spain, delivered a special academic lecture at the Fluid Center titled "Modeling of Dynamic Behavior of Hydraulic Systems."

During the three-day lecture series, Professor Parrondo covered topics such as the energy transfer characteristics in hydraulic systems, instability characteristics during pump regulation, and pressure disturbance transmission properties in pipelines. Each lecture included case studies to illustrate the concepts, such as energy consumption analysis in pump-pipeline systems during flow regulation, induced vibration instability of hydraulic system components during startup, shutdown, or speed changes of fluid machinery, and pressure disturbance transmission characteristics in different types of pipelines. These examples effectively reflected the special conditions in the dynamic response of hydraulic systems, vividly demonstrating the practical applications of dynamic response theory and providing students and faculty with a deeper understanding of the lecture content.

Professor Jorge Parrondo is a former Dean of the School of Energy at the University of Oviedo and has long been engaged in research on transient instability of fluid machinery, flow-induced vibrations, fluid-structure interaction, surge, and noise. In 2006, he was qualified to hold the position of full professor of fluid mechanics at any university in Spain. Since 2009, he has been the head of the Ph.D. program in Energy Engineering, which was awarded the National Excellence Course title by the Spanish Ministry of Education. He has been recognized as "Excellent" by the National Evaluation Committee for Research Activity (CNEAI) for six consecutive terms (evaluated every five years). He has undertaken numerous national and corporate projects funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Ministry of Environment, Scientific and Technical Committee, Directorate General for Higher Education, among others. He has published four textbooks and various teaching materials and has authored over 70 academic papers.

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