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4th Chinese International Turbomachinery Conference
Date:2019-10-25  View:

General Information

CITC (Chinese International Turbomachinery Conference) is sponsored by the Chinese Journal of Turbomachinery which is a reference for Chinese and worldwide industry and research community.

CITC focuses on promoting both fundamental and engineering application and is of primary interest to researchers , design engineers, students and users in the field of turbomachiery. It is a key event for technology transfer through the presentation of the latest developments and best practices in China.

CITC is becoming a trendsetter conference outlining the roadmap to the future and will be known as one of the most cutting-edge meetings comprising all aspects of turbomachinery. The conference established a platform for exchanging ideas and solutions , encouraging partnerships across academia and industry.

The first three very successful CITC conferences were great opportunities to exchange important academic and industrial achievements and results for many researchers and engineers as well as young students from all over the world. The 3rd CITC took place in Chong Qing with more than 450 participants from all over the world. During the conference, 16 invited lecturers, 14 keynote presentations and more than 220 technical papers in 14 parallel sessions were presented. The 4th CITC will be held in Guangzhou in April 2020 .The 4th conference will invite well-known experts from all the world to organize several parallel sessions addressing topics of interest for both acdemia and industry.The sponsor will also organize a small exhibition during the 4th conference.

Detailed Information:  http://conference.cftn.cn/en/index.html?columnId=5

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