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Notice Regarding CSC Scholarship Application (B&R Program)
Date:2020-06-12  View:

The Chinese Government Scholarship for Agricultural Mechanization and Electrification program at Jiangsu University (JSU) has been approved. We are happy to invite all outstanding international young talents to apply. This program will be covered by CSC full scholarship(or Partial Scholarship) and the following is the admission information:

  1. Seats: 20 Candidates(7 of them will be Partial Scholarship).

  2. Level: undergraduate students, bachelor

  3. Study Field

    Please select “Agricultural Mechanization and Electrification” in the application system. Students can choose one of the following majors after the foundation program, but JSU will make the final decision according to students' wishes and actual situation.

    Agricultural Electrification; Agricultural Mechanization & Automation; Energy & Power Engineering (Power Machinery Engineering & Automation); Energy & Power Engineering (Fluid Machinery and Engineering); Mechanical Designing & Manufacturing & Automation.

  4. Medium of Instruction: Chinese (no Chinese basis required, students will study Chinese from Sep. 2020 to July 2021.)

  5. Length of Schooling: 4 years (from Sep. 2021 to July 2025)

  6. Country: countries along the "Belt and Road"

  7. Application Deadline: June 18, 24:00h (Beijing time)

  8. Application Procedures:

    Step 1: Apply on the Chinese Government Scholarship website (https://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/#/login)

    Step 2: Apply at Jiangsu University Online Application System (http://admission.ujs.edu.cn);

    Step 3: Short-listed students participate the online interview, which will be held around June 20-23 through WeChat App.

  9. Publication of Results: Not later than June 25.

  10. 10. Other Information

    Please check the scholarship information on the CSC website and detailed application information on the official website of Jiangsu University at http://oec.ujs.edu.cn/en.

    Please check the link to know how to apply, and check the link to know how to fill in the application at Guidance for Online Application Information.

    Please download Foreigner Physical Examination Form, it’s a compulsory document for application.

    This program gives exemption to application fee

    Contact admission@ujs.edu.cn or 0511-88792366 for more information if necessary.

    Detailed Information:http://oec.ujs.edu.cn/en/notice/detail?cid=331&id=1167

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