Curriculum Vitae

Li Wei
Doctor of Engineering
TEL: 13775554729
Location: Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology, Jiangsu University
Fields of research:
1. Hydraulic performance optimization and CFD analysis of centrifugal pump
2. Research on Structural Strength and Rotor Dynamics of Vane Pump
3. Transient Characteristics and Hydraulic Excitation Mechanism of Mixed Flow Pump During Start-up
4. Rotational stall characteristics and induction mechanism of mixed-flow pump
5. Research on Engine Cooling Water Pump Performance Optimization and Cavitation Mechanism
6. Development of pump device models in petrochemical, environmental protection, electric power and other fields
7. Design and development of test benches for centrifugal pumps, axial flow pumps, reciprocating pumps, and screw pumps
Main Publications:
1. Wei Li*, Ling Zhou, Wei-dong Shi, Leilei Ji, Yongfei Yang, Xiaofan Zhao. PIV experiment of the unsteady flow field in mixed-flow pump under part loading condition. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 83 (2017) 191–199. (SCI&EI, IF:3.204)
2. Wei Li*, Yang Zhang, Weidong Shi, Leilei Ji, Yongfei Yang, Yuanfeng Ping. Numerical simulation of transient flow field in a mixed-flow pump during starting period. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 2018, 28(4): 607771. (SCI&EI,IF:2.45)
3. Wei Li*, Leilei Ji, Weidong Shi, Yulu Wang, Ling Zhou, Xiaoping Jiang. Vibration of Shaft System in the Mixed-Flow Pump Induced by the Rotor-Stator Interaction under Partial Load Conditions. Shock and Vibration, Volume 2018, Article ID 2059784, 12 pages. (SCI&EI收录,IF:1.857)
4. Wei Li*, Leilei Ji, Weidong Shi, Ling Zhou, Xiaoping Jiang, Yang Zhang. Fluid-structure interaction study of a mixed-flow pump impeller during startup. Engineering Computations, 2018, 35(1): 1-17. (SCI&EI,IF:1.177)
5. Wei Li*, Leilei Ji, Weidong Shi, Yongfei Yang, Muhammad Awais, Yulu Wang and Xiwei Xu. Correlation research of rotor–stator interaction and shafting vibration in a mixed-flow pump. Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 2019, Online. (SCI&EI,IF:1.491)
6. Wei Li*, Yongfei Yang, Wei-dong Shi, Xiaofan Zhao, Weiqiang Li. The correction and evaluation of cavitation model considering the thermodynamic effect. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018: 7217513. (SCI&EI, IF:1.145)
7. Wei Li*, Chuan Wang, Weidong Shi, Xiaofan Zhao, Yongfei Yang, Bing Pei. Numerical calculation and optimization designs in engine cooling water pump. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2017, 31(5): 2319-2329. (SCI, IF: 1.194)
8. Wei Li*, Xiaofan Zhao, Weiqiang Li, Weidong Shi, Leilei Ji, Ling Zhou. Numerical Prediction and Performance Experiment in an Engine Cooling Water Pump with Different Blade Outlet Widths. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017, 2017(6):1-11. (SCI&EI, IF: 1.145)
9. Wei Li, Xiaoping Jiang, Qinglong Pang, Ling Zhou and Wei Wang. Numerical simulation and performance analysis of a four-stage centrifugal pump. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2016, Vol. 8(10) 1–8. (SCI&EI,IF: 0.848)
10. Wei Li*, Leilei Ji, Weidong Shi, Ling Zhou, Xiaoping Jiang, Yang Zhang. Vibration characteristics of the impeller at multi-conditions in mixed-flow pump under the action of fluid-structure interaction. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2016, VOL. 18, ISSUE 5:3213-3224. (SCI&EI,IF:0.617)