Curriculum Vitae
Wang Xikun
Dr. Wang Xikun, male, born in 1972, PhD supervisor, Jiangsu Distinguished Professor, Jinshan Distinguished Professor, Director of the Marine Hydrodynamics Institute. Dr. Wang has been engaged in basic and applied research in fluid mechanics and hydrodynamics for 20+ years, and involved more than 10 national and provincial-level projects from National Research Foundation of Singapore, National Development Council of Singapore, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore, and National Natural Science Foundation of China, etc. Dr. Wang¢s research interests include: Hydrodynamics of offshore and marine structures; fluid-structure interaction; fluid-induced vibration and noise; sediment transport; fluid machinery; jet theory and application. To date, Dr. Wang has published 2 English monographs and books, 60+ SCI papers (among which 40+ are in JCR Q1) with a total citation of more than 1500 times, and an impact factor H=22. Currently serving as an editorial board member for 3 international academic journals and as an invited reviewer for many academic journals, Dr. Wang is a widely recognized scholar in the research community.
A. Education
· 1999.09 - 2003.07: Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), PhD degree in Fluid Mechanics
· 1996.09 - 1999.07: Peking University (China), Master degree in Fluid Mechanics
· 1991.09 - 1995.07: Jiangsu University (China), Bachelor degree in Fluid Machinery
B. Employment History
· 2019.10 - Present: Jinshan Distinguished Professor, Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology, Jiangsu University,
· 2016.07 - 2019.07: Jiangsu Distinguished Professor, Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology, Jiangsu University
· 2010.07 - 2018.12: Senior Research Fellow, Team Leader of Hydrodynamics Group, Maritime Research Centre, Nanyang Technological University
· 2003.07 - 2010.06: Research Fellow, Maritime Research Centre, Nanyang Technological University
C. Main Research Areas
Area #1:Marine Hydrodynamics
1) Structure response and hydrodynamic optimization of very large floating structure(VLFS)under sophisticated wind-wave-current environment
2) Design and optimization of different types of offshore and marine equipment (pumps, propellers, valves, etc.)
3) Sediment and pollutant transport in marine environment
Area #2:Hydrodynamics and vortex-induced vibration (VIV) of cylindrical structures
1) Vortex formation and shedding process in the wake of cylindrical structures
2) Wake interactions of multi-cylinders
3) Mechanism and control of VIVs
Area #3:Measurement and numerical simulation of internal flow in fluid machinery
1) Measurement of internal flow using Laser diagnostic tools (PIV, LDA)
2) Numerical simulation and analysis of flow in fluid machinery using CFD
3) Flow-induced vibrations and fluid-structure interaction
Area #4:Jet theory and application
1) Mixing of single- and multi-port jets
2) Impact and scour effect of impinging jet
3) Pulsed jet
D. Representative Projects (Government-funded)
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC): Research on unsteady flow mechanism and sour mechanism of mobile jet array, 2021.01-2024.12, PI.
2. Economic Development Board (EDB) of Singapore: Development of precast module and mooring system for offshore floating platform, 2016.01-2018.12, PI.
3. Fund for Jiangsu Distinguished Professor: Flow-indued vibration and cavitation – Mechanism and control, 2016.07-2019.07, PI.
4. National Research Foundation (NRF) of Singapore: Underwater infrastructure and underwater city of the future - Hydrodynamics considerations. 2010.06-2015.06, Co-PI.
5. Singapore Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) of Singapore: Modelling of wave run-up, air-gap and hydrodynamic loads of semi-submersible structures, 2007.09-2009.09, Co-PI.
E. Representative Projects (Industry-funded)
1. Shanghai Fire Research Institute of Ministry of Emergency Management (MEM) of China: Spray characteristics of gas-solid two-phase flow of fire-fighting cannon, 2019.08-2021.12, PI.
2. Shanghai Dongfang Pump Group Nantong Co Ltd: Research and optimization of high-performance centrifugal pump – Hydraulic efficiency, vibration and noise, 2019.12-2020.12, PI.
3. International collaboration project (Collaboration parties: Nanyang Technological, University of Bradford, Dalian University of Technology): Research on the drag reduction and VIV suppression of rough-surfaced cylinders, 2015.07-2017.06, PI.
4. Hitachi (Singapore) Pte Ltd: Detection of leakage and flow anomaly in a water pipe network, 2013.06-2014.06, Co-PI.
5. Singapore Technologies Dynamics Pte Ltd: Simulation of ship manoeuvrability and diversion, 2007.07-2008.12, PI.
F. Representative SCI Papers (in past 5 years)
1. Wang X.K. *, Chen J.Q., Zhou B., Li Y.J., Xiang Q.J. (2021) Two-dimensional flow past a confined bluff body: Effects of cylinder shape, blockage ratio and Reynolds number. Ocean Engineering, 220: 108412.
2. Li Y.J., Wang X.K. * (2021) Numerical study of effects of gap and incident wave steepness on water resonance between two rectangular barges. European Journal of Mechanics – B/Fluids, 86: 157-168.
3. Si J.H., Lim S.Y., Wang X.K. * (2021) Experimental study on flow regimes during cyclical jet-flipping in the scour hole downstream of a sluice gate. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 59(5): 757-765.
4. Yang Z.J, Chen H.J., He L.F., Wang X.K. * (2020) Design and modeling of the automatic pressure regulating valve in foam firefighting system. Processes, 8: 1616.
5. Yang Z.J., Wang X.K. *, Si J.H, Li Y.L. (2020) Flow around three circular cylinders in equilateral triangular arrangement. Ocean Engineering, 215: 107838.
6. Zhou B. *, Liu H, Zhang G., Han X., Wang X.K., Tan S.K. (2020) Numerical Simulation of Cavity Dynamics and Motion Characteristics for Water Entry of a Hydrophobic Sphere at Various Speeds and Angles. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 146(9): 04020091.
7. Zhou B. *, Wang J., Yao Z., Zhang G., Han X., Wang X. (2020) Vortex-induced vibration of a cylinder downstream of an elliptical cylinder with different aspect ratios. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 25 (4): 1044-1062.
8. Si J.H., Lim S.Y., Wang X.K. * (2020) Evolution of flow fields in a developing local scour hole formed by a submerged wall jet. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 146(6): 04020040.
9. Wang X.K., Su B.Y., Li Y.L., Wang C.* (2019) Vortex formation and evolution process in an impulsively starting jet from long pipe. Ocean Engineering, 176: 134-143.
10. Si J.H., Lim S.Y., Wang X.K.* (2019) Jet-flipping in a scour hole downstream of an unsubmerged weir with an apron. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 145(10): 04019035.
11. Zhang J.F., Chen H.J., Zhou B., Wang X.K.* (2019) Flow around an array of four equispaced square cylinders. Applied Ocean Research, 89: 237-250.
12. Cheng N.-S. *, Hui C.L., Wang X.K., Tan S.K. (2019) Laboratory study of porosity effect on drag induced by circular vegetative patch. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 145(7): 04019046.
13. Wang C., He X., Shi W.D., Wang X.K.*, Wang X.L., Qiu N. (2019) Numerical study on pressure fluctuation of a multistage centrifugal pump based on whole flow field. AIP Advances, 9: 035118.
14. Pan Q., Zhao R.-J. *, Wang X.K., Shi W.-D., Zhang D.-S. (2019) LES study of transient behavior and turbulent characteristics of free-surface and floor-attached vortices in pump sump. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 57(5): 733-743.
15. Su B.Y.*, Wang X.K., Kabinejadian F., Chin C., Le T.T., Zhang J.M. (2019) Effects of left atrium on intraventricular flow in numerical simulations. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 106: 46-53.
16. Si J.H.*, Lim S.Y., Wang X.K. (2018) Flow structures in evolving scour holes caused by a plunging jet downstream of a weir. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 144(6): 04018018.
17. Wang X.K.*, Li Y.L., Yuan S.Q., Tan S.K. (2018) Flow past a near-wall retrograde rotating cylinder at varying rotation and gap ratios. Ocean Engineering, 156: 240-251.
18. Wang C., Shi W.D., Wang X.K., Jiang X.P., Yang Y., Li W., Zhou L.* (2017) Optimal design of multistage centrifugal pump based on the combined energy loss model and computational fluid dynamics. Applied Energy, 187: 10-26.
19. Wang X.K.*, Wang C., Li Y.L., Tan S.K. (2017) Flow patterns of a low mass-damping cylinder undergoing vortex-induced vibration: Transition from initial branch and upper branch. Applied Ocean Research, 62: 89-99.
20. Wang C., Wang X.K.*, Shi W., Lu W., Tan S.K., Zhou L. (2017) Experimental investigation on impingement of a submerged circular water jet at varying impinging angles and Reynolds numbers. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 93: 189-198.
G. Contact Info
· Address: Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, Jiangsu, China
· HP: 182 6196 7972
· Fax: 0511-8879 1718
· E-mail: wangxk@ujs.edu.cn
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ü Recruitment of full-time postdoctoral fellows majoring in marine hydrodynamics and fluid mechanics, with an annual salary of about 150,000-200,000 RMB.