

闫浩芳, 1983年生,博士,博士生导师,2011年毕业于日本爱媛大学。主要研究农田微气象及作物耗水规律、SPAC系统水肥热耦合运移规律、蒸腾蒸发模型及其在温室微气象环境控制和智能化节水灌溉设备研发中的应用;研究并提出了Bulk Transfer模型、双源微气象模型、冠层下土面蒸发模型、自然通风下温室作物蒸腾耗水模型等多个不同条件下的蒸腾蒸发模型。


[1] Yan H., Zhang C., Gerrits M., Acquah S., Zhang H., Wu H., Zhao B., Huang S., Fu H. (2018) Parametrization of aerodynamic and canopy resistances for modeling evapotranspiration of greenhouse cucumber. Agriculture and forest meteorology, 262:370-378.

[2] Yan H., Acquah S. J., Zhang C. et al.(2019) Energy partitioning of greenhouse cucumber based on the application of Penman-Monteith and Bulk Transfer models,Agricultural Water Management,217:201-211.

[3] Huang, S.; Yan, H.F.; Zhang, C.; Wang, G.Q.; Acquah, S.J.; Yu, J.J.; Li, L.L.; Ma, J.M.; Opoku Darko, R.(2020) Modeling evapotranspiration for cucumber plants based on the Shuttleworth-Wallace model in a Venlo-type greenhouse. Agricultural Water Management.228

[4] Yan H., Zhang C. Oue H. (2018) Parameterization of canopy resistance for modeling the energy partitioning of a paddy rice field. Paddy and water environment, 16(1):109-123.

[5] Yan H., Zhang C., Peng G., Darko R., Cai B. (2018) Modeling canopy resistance for estimating latent heat flux at a tea field in south China. Experimental Agriculture, 54(4):563-576.

[6] Yan H, Shi H, Oue H, Zhang C, Xue Z, Cai B, Wang G.(2015) Modeling bulk canopy resistance from climatic variables for predicting hourly evapotranspiration of maize and buckwheat. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 127(3):305–312.

[7] Yan H, Zhang C, Oue H et al. (2015) Study of evapotranspiration and evaporation beneath the canopy in a buckwheat field. Theoretical and applied climatology, 122:721–728.

[8] Yan H. and Oue H*. (2011) Application of the two-layer model for predicting transpiration from the rice canopy and water surface evaporation beneath the canopy. Agricultural Meteorology, 67(3). 89-97.

[9] Zhang C., Yan H*., Takase K, Oue H. (2016) Comparison of the Soil Physical Properties and Hydrological Processes in Two Different Forest Type Catchments. Water Resources. 43(1): 225-237.

[10] Abubaker B. Ali, Yan H., Li H., Wu Y.Y., Nazar A. Elshaikh, Grameraldawla Hussein, Sudhindra Pandab, Sami Hassan (2018) Enhancement of depleted loam soil as well as cucumber productivity utilizing biochar under water stress. Communication in soil science and plant analysis. DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2018.15473

[11] 闫浩芳,赵宝山,张川等. (2019) Penman-Monteith模型模拟Venlo型温室黄瓜植株蒸腾. 农业工程学报.35(8):149-157.

[12] 闫浩芳,毋海梅,张川,Samuel Joe Acquah,赵宝山,黄松.(2018) 基于修正双作物系数模型估算温室黄瓜不同季节腾发量[J]. 农业工程学报, 34(15):117-125.

[13] 张川,闫浩芳*,大上博基,等,(2015). 表层有效土壤水分参数化及冠层下土面蒸发模拟,农业工程学报,31(2):102-107.







联系方式: Email: yanhaofang@yahoo.com; yanhaofangyhf@163.com 电话:18252933901