龙 云






2023.03—至今 中国核电工程有限公司-江苏大学,博士后,合作导师:邢继、袁寿其

2021.07—至今 江苏大学 国家水泵及系统工程技术研究中心,副研究员/硕导

2020.11—2022.11 德国 卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology),中德博士后

2019.05—2020.05 科技部 中国农村技术开发中心,流动专员

2018.12-2022.12 江苏大学,博士后

2018.11—2021.6 江苏大学 国家水泵及系统工程技术研究中心,助理研究员







[1] 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,2021.1--2024.12,参与;

[2] 国家自然科学基金青年基金,2020.1--2022.12,主持;

[3] 中国博士后科学基金,2019.6--2021.11,主持;

[4] 江苏省“双创博士”,2019.9--2022.8,主持;

[5] 国家重点实验室课题,2022 .1 -2023 .12,主持;

[6] 浙江省博士后基金,2019.06—2021.6,主持;

[7] 大型先进压水堆及高温气冷堆核电站科技重大专项,2018-2019,参与预研和立项;

[8] 国家自然科学基金面上基金,2016-2019,参与;




[1] Yun Long*, Mingyu Zhang, Zhen Zhou, Jinqing Zhong, Ce An, Yong Chen, Churui Wan, Rongsheng Zhu. Research on cavitation wake vortex structures near the impeller tip of a water-jet pump. Energies 2023, 16, 1576. (SCI)

[2] Mahfuja A Khuda, Javad Khalesi, Zecan Tu, Yun Long, Daniela Piccioni Koch, Nenad Sarunac. Numerical analysis of a developing turbulent flow and conjugate heat transfer for molten salt and liquid sodium in a solar receiver. Applied Thermal Engineering 217 (2022) 119156. (SCI)

[3] Rongsheng Zhu, Zhuang Qiang, Zhenwei Wang, Qiang Fu and Yun Long. Influence of cutter head on cavitation of non-jammed submerged grinder pump. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 6112. (SCI)

[4] Yonggang Lu, Zhengwei Wang, Rongsheng Zhu, Xiuli Wang, Yun Long*. Study on flow characteristics in LBE-cooled main coolant pump under positive rotating condition. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 54, 2022, 2720-2727. (SCI)

[5] Yun Long, Jinqing Zhong, Jianping CHEN, Yan Zhang, Rongsheng Zhu. Numerical simulation of flow characteristics of water-jet assembly under reverse state, International Workshop on Water-Jet Propulsion (IWWP2022) 30th June-1st July Online. (国际会议)

[6] Yuchen Song (宋煜晨) , Rui Xu (许锐), Yu Song (宋煜), Yun Long (龙云), Junlian Yin (尹俊连),and Dezhong Wang (王德忠) . Hydrodynamics characteristics of non-uniform inflow in reactor coolant pump based on time-resolved tomographic particle image velocimetry, Physics of Fluids (Vol.34, Issue 12), 2022 (SCI)

[7] Zecan Tu, Daniela Piccioni Koch, Yun Long, Nenad Sarunac, Martin Frank, Junkui Mao. Thermal performances of panel models in solar power tower receivers. ATE-HEFAT, 2021, Conference. (国际会议)

[8] Yun Long*, Ce An, Rongsheng Zhu, and Jianping Chen. Research on hydrodynamics of high velocity regions in a water-jet pump based on experimental and numerical calculations at different cavitation conditions, Physics of Fluids 33, 045124 (2021) (SCI)

[9] Long, Yun*, Yan Zhang, Jianping Chen, Rongsheng Zhu, and Dezhong Wang. A Cavitation Performance Prediction Method for Pumps PART2-Sensitivity and Accuracy. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2021. (SCI)

[10] Qiu, Ning, Han Zhu, Yun Long*, Jinqing Zhong, Rongsheng Zhu, and Suhuan Wu. Assessment of cavitation erosion in a water-jet pump based on the erosive power method. Scanning, 2021. (SCI)

[11] Long Yun*, Zhu Rongsheng, Wang Dezhong. A Cavitation Performance Prediction Method for Pumps PART1-Proposal and Feasibility[J]. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2020. (SCI)

[12] Long, Yun*, Bin Lin, Jie Fang, Jie Ge, Longbo Xu, Qiang Fu, and Rongsheng Zhu. Research on the pump shaft stability analysis of multistage centrifugal pump during closed-valve start-up process. Frontiers in Energy Research, 8(2020). (SCI)

[13] Yun, Long*, Lin Bin, Fang Jie, Zhu Rongsheng, and Fu Qiang. Research on the transient hydraulic characteristics of multistage centrifugal pump during start-up process. Frontiers in Energy Research 8 (2020): 76. (SCI)

[14] Li, Yajie, and Yun Long*. Numerical study on wave radiation by a barge with large amplitudes and frequencies. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8.12 (2020): 1034. (SCI)

[15] Xiuli, Wang, Lin Bin, Li Yang, Zhang Yan, Zhu Rongsheng, Long Yun*, and Fu Qiang. Hydraulic optimization of two-way counter-rotating axial flow pump turbine. Frontiers in Energy Research (2020): NA-NA. (SCI)

[16] Xu Rui, Long Yun, Hu Yaoyu, Yin Junlian, Wang Dezhong. Numerical and experimental research on the fluid-induced forces of clearance flow in canned motor reactor coolant pump. ASME. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. 2019;141(6):061021-061021-7. (SCI)

[17] Rui Xu, Yun Long*, Dezhong Wang*. Effects of rotating speed on the unsteady pressure pulsation of reactor coolant pumps with steam-generator simulator[J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2018, 333: 25-44. (SCI)

[18] Yun, Long, Dezhong, W., Junlian, Y., Yaoyu, H., & Hongjuan, R. Numerical investigation on the unsteady characteristics of reactor coolant pumps with non-uniform inflow[J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2017, 320: 65-76. (SCI)

[19] Long, Yun, Wang, D., Yin, J., & Hu, Y. Experimental investigation on the unsteady pressure pulsation of reactor coolant pumps with non-uniform inflow[J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2017, 110: 501-510. (SCI)

[20] Yun, Long, Rongsheng, Z., Dezhong, W., Junlian, Y., & Tianbin, L. Numerical and experimental investigation on the diffuser optimization of a reactor coolant pump with orthogonal test approach[J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2016, 30(11):4941-4948.(SCI)

[21] Yun, Long, Dezhong, W., Junlian, Y., Youlin, C., & Chao, F. The effect of different inflows on the unsteady hydrodynamic characteristics of a mixed flow pump[J]. International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems, 2017, 10(2): 138-145.(EI)

[22] Yun, Long, Junlian, Y., Dezhong, W., & Yaoyu, H. The effect of the channel head on the unsteady pressure pulsation characteristics at the inlet and outlet of reactor coolant pumps[C]. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2016, 49(3): 032011.

[23] Yun, Long, Junlian, Y., Dezhong, W., & Tianbin, L. Study on the effect of the impeller and diffuser blade number on reactor coolant pump performances[C]. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2016, 129(1): 012041.

[24] 张岩,王路逸,钟锦情,龙云*.多参数优化设计对喷水推进组合体水力性能的影响[J].排灌机械工程学报, 2021, 39(7): 655-662. (中文核心)

[25] 龙云*, 袁寿其, 朱荣生, 付强, 李天斌. 核主泵内部流动研究现状与技术发展综述[J]. 排灌机械工程学报, 2020, 38(11): 1081-1097. (中文核心)

[26] 龙云*, 冯超, 王路逸, 王德忠, 蔡佑林, 朱荣生. 喷水推进泵临界空化工况空化流态试验[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2019(8). (EI)


[1] 龙云, 钟锦情, 朱荣生, 付强. 一种抗失速双层泵进口结构. 202110683571.X (发明专利)授权;

[2] 龙云, 安策, 朱荣生, 付强,王秀礼. 一种空化抑制水翼装置. 202010610736.6(发明专利)授权;

[3] 龙云, 强壮, 朱荣生. 一种核主泵连接管道非均匀来流抑制结构. 112747015A (发明专利)授权;

[4] 龙云, 强壮, 朱荣生. 一种泵入口非均匀来流抑制装置. 112555559A(发明专利)授权;

[5] 龙云, 强壮, 朱荣生. 一种泵入口翼板非均匀来流抑制装置. 112145409A(发明专利)授权;

[6] 龙云, 陈一鸣, 朱荣生, 李怀瑞,王秀礼. 一种泵用吸入管非均匀来流主动控制装置及泵.112360813A(发明专利)授权;

[7] 龙云, 陈一鸣, 朱荣生, 安策, 王秀礼, 付强. 一种双吸式吸入管非均匀来流主动控制的轴流泵. 201910890246.3(发明专利)授权;

[8] 龙云,陈一鸣, 朱荣生, 安策, 付强, 王秀礼. 一种对旋结构多级高温泵. 201910900514.5(发明专利)授权;


[1] 袁寿其, 朱荣生, 龙云, 付强, 王秀礼. 核主泵内部流动基础理论与技术, 2021.5,ISBN:978-7-5684-1471-5, 69万字,江苏大学出版社。




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