王 剑














(1) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,51709130,地下滴灌多孔出流特性及均匀度数值模型研究,2018.01-2020.12,主持。

(2) 中国博士后科学基金,2017M621653,地下滴灌均匀度计算方法及土壤水氮分布特征研究,2017.12-2019.12,主持。

(3) 江苏省农业科技自主创新项目,CX(21)3078,水肥气一体化地下滴灌设施土壤微环境调控关键技术与装备,2021.07-2023.07,主持。

(4) 国家自然科学基金重点项目,51939005,低压喷灌水肥多过程运动机理与高效协同调控,2020.01-2024.12,主研。

(5) 国家重点研发计划子课题,2018YFD0300803,苏中稻-麦水肥一体化技术及装备研发与应用,2018.7-2020.12,参加。

(6) 江苏省重点研发计划,BE2018373,射流脉冲滴灌装备与低压节能技术研发,2018.7-2020.6,参加。

(7) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51379024,滴灌滴头迷宫流道结构参数及其三维特性响应规律的研究,2014.1-2017.12,参加。

(8) “十二五”国家科技支撑计划,2011BAD29B02,微灌工程系统集成与配套设备开发,2011.1-2015.12,参加。

(9) 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划),2010AA10A302,山地红枣经济林精量涌泉根灌技术,2010.1-2011.12,参加。



[1]陈瑞,陈晓芳,李红,王剑*,郭鑫,向钰. 间歇和连续喷灌下土壤水分运动特征COMSOL 数值模拟与验证. 农业工程学报,2024,40(6):245-256.

[2]Jian Wang, Zuokun Tian, Ting Yang, Qiu He, Duo Wang, Rui Chen*. Characteristics of limited flow and soil water infiltration boundary of a subsurface drip irrigation emitter in silt loam. Agricultural Water Management, 2024, 291, 108636.

[3]Jian Wang, Yu Xiang, Rui Chen, Hong Li*. Using 2DVD technology to explore droplet characteristic variations of sprinkler irrigation as affected by a maize canopy. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2023, 215, 108367.

[4]Rui Chen, Hong Li, Jian Wang*, Xin Guo, Yu Xiang. Evaluating soil water movement and soil water content uniformity under sprinkler irrigation with different soil texture and irrigation uniformity using numerical simulation. Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 626, 130356.

[5]Rui Chen, Hong Li, Jian Wang*, Zhuoyang Song. Critical factors influencing soil runoff and erosion in sprinkler irrigation: Water application rate and droplet kinetic energy. Agricultural Water Management, 2023, 283, 108299.

[6]Jian Wang, Qiu He, Kai Cao, Bo Zhou, Xiaoli Niu, Duo Wang, Rui Chen*, Zhen Zheng. Micro-nano bubble water with potassium fertigation improves strawberry yield and quality by changing soil bacterial community. Rhizosphere, 2023, 28, 100783.

[7]Jian Wang*, Zhuoyang Song, Rui Chen, Ting Yang, Zuokun Tian. Experimental study on droplet characteristics of rotating sprinklers with circular nozzles and diffuser. Agriculture-Basel, 2022, 12, 987.

[8]Jian Wang*, Tao Wei, Zhuoyang Song, Rui Chen. Determination of the equivalent length for evaluating local head losses in drip irrigation laterals. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 2022, 38(1): 49-59.

[9]Jian Wang*, Rui Chen, Ting Yang, Tao Wei, Xinkun Wang. A computationally-efficient finite element method for the hydraulic analysis and design of subsurface drip irrigation subunits. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 595(4): 125990.

[10]Jian Wang*, Rui Chen. An improved finite element model for the hydraulic analysis of drip irrigation subunits considering local emitter head loss. Irrigation Science. 2020, 38(3):147-162.

[11]Jian Wang*, Ting Yang, Tao Wei, Rui Chen, Shouqi Yuan. Experimental determination of local head loss of non-coaxial emitters in thin-wall lay-flat polyethylene pipes. Biosystems Engineering. 2020, 190(2):71-86.

[12]Jian Wang, Delan Zhu*, Lin Zhang, Daniel P. Ames. Economic analysis approach for identifying optimal microirrigation uniformity. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering-ASCE, 2015, 141(8): 04015002.

[13]Jian Wang, Delan Zhu*, Vincent Bralts, Lin Zhang. Hydraulic analysis of looped microirrigation submain units using the finite element method. Transactions of the ASABE, 2016, 59(3): 909-923.


[1]Guohui Zhao, Wei Xu, Jian Wang, Yuanyuan Zhao, Fujian Zhao, Xiuli Wang*. The effect of temperature on the pressure energy distribution in the process of near-wall single bubble collapse. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36, 032019.

[2]Wei Xu, Rongsheng Zhu, Jian Wang, Qiang Fu, Xiuli Wang*. Molecular dynamics simulations of the distance between the cavitation bubble and benzamide wall impacting collapse characteristics. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 131633.

[3]Wei Xu, Rongsheng Zhu, Qiang Fu, Xiuli Wang*, Yuanyuan Zhao, Jian Wang. Effect of Bubble Collapse Combined with Oxidants on the Benzamide by Molecular Dynamics Simulation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2022, 61, 5984−5993.

[4]Wei Xu, Rongsheng Zhu, Qiang Fu, Xiuli Wang*, Yuanyuan Zhao, Guohui Zhao, Jian Wang. Analysis of the influence of factor parameters on bubble collapse in a heavy metal complex system. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022, 347, 118377.

[5]Rui Chen, Hong Li*, Jian Wang. Effects of plate structure and nozzle diameter on hydraulic performance of fixed spray plate sprinkler under low working pressure. Transactions of the ASABE. 2021, 64(1): 231-242.

[6]Rui Chen, Hong Li*, Jian Wang. Analysis of droplet characteristics and kinetic energy distribution for the fixed spray plate sprinkler under low working pressure. Transactions of the ASABE. 2021, 64(2): 447-460.

[7]Rui Chen, Hong Li*, Jian Wang, Xin Guo, Zhuoyang Song. Comparisons of spray characteristics between non-circular and circular nozzles with rotating sprinklers. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 2022, 38(1): 61-74.

[8]Pute Wu, Delan Zhu*, Jian Wang. Gravity fed drip irrigation design procedure for a single manifold subunit. Irrigation Science, 2010, 28(4): 359-369.

[9]Delan Zhu, Pute Wu*, Jian Wang, Lin Zhang. A calculation method for the average emitter operating pressure of drip irrigation. Irrigation Science, 2013, 31(4): 643 649.


主讲课程:研究生课程《节水灌溉工程水力学》;留学生课程《Water saving irrigation system hydraulics



