


电子邮件 eddyzhang_ujs@hotmail.com



2019/05 - 2019/12,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学,宇航与海洋工程系,访问学者

2016/10 - 2020/12,法国Arts et Métiers ParisTech,流体力学,博士,导师:Olivier Coutier-Delgosha教授

2014/07 - 2015/07,上海ITT流体技术有限公司,工程师

2011/09 - 2014/06,江苏大学,流体机械及工程,硕士研究生,导师:施卫东 研究员

2007/09 – 2011/06,江苏大学,流体机械及工程,学士







[1] Xinlei Zhang, Mingming Ge, Guangjian Zhang, Olivier Coutier-Delgosha*. Compressible effects modeling for turbulent cavitating flow in a small venturi channel: An empirical turbulent eddy viscosity correction. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33(3), 035148.

[2] Mingming Ge, Martin Petkovšek, Guangjian Zhang, Drew Jacobs, Olivier Coutier-Delgosha*. Cavitation dynamics and thermodynamic effects at elevated temperatures in a small Venturi channel. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 170: 120970.

[3] R. Chebli, B. Audebert, Guangjian Zhang, O. Coutier-Delgosha*. Influence of the turbulence modeling on the simulation of unsteady cavitating flows. Computers & Fluids, 2021, 221: 104898.

[4] Guangjian Zhang, Ilyass Khlifa, Olivier Coutier-Delgosha*. A comparative study of quasi-stable sheet cavities at different stages based on fast synchrotron x-ray imaging. Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32(12): 123316.

[5] Linrong Zhang, Guangjian Zhang*, Mingming Ge, Olivier Coutier-Delgosha. Experimental study of pressure and velocity fluctuations induced by cavitation in a small Venturi channel. Energies, 2020, 13(24): 6478.

[6] Guangjian Zhang, Ilyass Khlifa, Kamel Fezzaa, Mingming Ge, Olivier Coutier-Delgosha*. Experimental investigation of internal two-phase flow structures and dynamics of quasi-stable sheet cavitation by fast synchrotron x-ray imaging. Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32(11): 113310.

[7] Lei Shi*, Yefang Wang, Guangjian Zhang, Yongxin Jin, Desheng Zhang. Assessment of an improved turbulence model in simulating the unsteady flows around a D-shaped cylinder and an open cavity. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2020, 83: 552-575.

[8] Desheng Zhang*, Weidong Shi, Guangjian Zhang, Jian Chen, B.P.M. van Esch. Numerical analysis of cavitation shedding flow around a three-dimensional hydrofoil using an improved filter-based model. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2017, 29(2): 361-375.

[9] Guangjian Zhang, Weidong Shi*, Desheng Zhang, Chuan Wang, Ling Zhou. A hybrid RANS/LES model for simulating time-dependent cloud cavitating flow around a NACA66 hydrofoil. Science China Technological Sciences, 2016, 59(8): 1252-1264.

[10] Desheng Zhang*, Guangjian Zhang, Haiyu Wang, Weidong Shi. Numerical investigation of time-dependent cloud cavitating flow around a hydrofoil. Thermal Science, 2016, 20(3): 913-920.

[11] Desheng Zhang*, Haiyu Wang, Weidong Shi, Guangjian Zhang, B.P.M. van Esch. Numerical analysis of the unsteady behavior of cloud cavitation around a hydrofoil based on an improved filter-based model. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2015, 27(5): 795-808.

[12] Desheng Zhang*, Weidong Shi, Dazhi Pan, Guangjian Zhang. Numerical simulation of cavitation shedding flow around a hydrofoil using Partially-Averaged Navier-Stokes model. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 2015.

[13] 施卫东, 张光建, 张德胜. 基于PANS模型的水翼非定常空化特性研究. 华中科技大学学报:自然科学版, 2014.

[14] 施卫东, 张光建, 张德胜, 徐焰栋. 水气最大密度比对轴流泵空化计算的影响. 农业机械学报, 2014, 45(5): 65-70.

[15] 施卫东, 张光建, 张德胜, 吴苏青, 徐焰栋. 入口非均匀流对轴流泵性能和压力脉动的影响. 排灌机械工程学报, 2014, 32(4): 277-282.

[16] 张德胜, 陈健, 张光建, 施卫东, 潘大志. 轴流泵叶顶泄漏涡空化的数值模拟与可视化实验研究. 工程力学, 2014, 9: 225-231.