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The 16th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery
Date:2016-04-22  View:

The 16th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery(ISROMAC2016) was held in Honolulu, Hawaii, United States from 10/April/2016 to 16/April/2016. Olivier Coutier-Delgosha, Professor of Laboratoire de Mécanique de Lille (LML- UMR8107) of Arts et métiers Paristech, was invited to be the chairman of this conference. The graduate students, Meng Fan, Yin Tingyun and Gu Yandong from National Research Center of Pumps of Jiangsu University, were invited to participate in the conference, and make their presentations.The seminar involves a broader research areas, covering all fields of fluid mechanics, such as compressor, rotor dynamics, acoustics, cavitation, etc., experts and scholars were provided with a platform for exchanging academic ideas, so that they could discuss and share the latest research achievements, academic innovation, hot topics and challenging task, which is beneficial to promote new breakthroughs in the study of fluid mechanics. This Assembly invited experts from the United States, Germany, France , China, Korea, Japan, Slovenia and many other international scholars to present research papers, and the General Assembly received a total of 235 papers, and was divided into 37 venues discussion.

Three graduate students invited from National Research Center of Pumps communicated and discussed with foreign experts on pump design theory and technology, numerical simulation and experiments, showing a good professional, successful completion of the academic mission. Meanwhile, Cavitation and Multiphase Flow International Conference during the upcoming General Assembly in our school-sponsored (International Symposium on Cavitation and Multiphase Flows, ISCM 2016) in 2016 and the 8th International Conference on pumps and fans (The 8th International Conference on Pumps and Fans, ICPF2017) in 2017 were introduced, and sends an invitation to experts and scholars, it has been widely replied with international experts for further enhancing the international influence of our school fluid mechanical disciplines.

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