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The Fluid Center Hosts the 16th Lecture of Jin Shan Fluid Machinery Engineering Academic Salon
Date:2024-05-22  View:

On April 29, the Fluid Center hosted the 16th lecture of Jinshan Fluid Machinery Engineering Academic Salon, featuring Professor Huang Guanhua from China Agricultural University as the keynote speaker. The seminar was chaired by Professor Zhang Desheng, Party Secretary of the Fluid Center. Professor Li Hong, Vice President of Jiangsu University, and Researcher Yuan Shouqi, Director of the National Research Center for Pumps and Systems Engineering Technology, attended the event.

Professor Huang Guanhua's presentation, titled "Coupling and Regulation of Water-Agriculture-Ecology Processes in Irrigation Districts", addressed actual needs and introduced recent research achievements from various perspectives, including water-agriculture-ecosystem observation, multi-scale modeling, and system regulation. The lecture was both accessible and profound, focusing on scientific and technical issues and presenting cutting-edge advancements in the field.

Following the presentation, Professor Huang engaged in an interactive discussion with the attendees, answering their questions and sharing insights on conducting research. His talk left a deep impression on the faculty and students present.

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