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Faculty and Students from the Fluid Center Attended the 8th International Conference on Pumps and Fans (ICPF2024)
Date:2024-05-22  View:

From April 12 to 15, the 8th International Conference on Pumps and Fans (ICPF2024), co-hosted by Yangzhou University and Tsinghua University, was held in Yangzhou. The conference brought together experts and scholars from countries such as Germany, Japan, South Korea, India, and Nepal to share and discuss the latest technological trends and research achievements in the pump and fan industry. Professor Yuan Shouqi, Director of the National Research Center of Pumps; Professor Zhang Desheng, Party Secretary of the Fluid Center; Professor Pei Ji, Deputy Director of the Fluid Center; Associate Professor Zhang Fan, Administrative Office Director of the Fluid Center; along with faculty and students, attended the conference.

At the opening ceremony, Professor Yuan Shouqi delivered a speech as an invited guest. On behalf of Jiangsu University and the other co-organizing institutions, he extended warm congratulations on the successful convening of the conference. He expressed that the aim of this international conference is to provide an efficient and open platform for experts and scholars, serving not only as a grand event for academic exchange but also as a starting point for collaborative success. He looked forward to the participating experts engaging in open dialogue and in-depth exchanges to jointly explore the future development of the fluid engineering equipment field, thereby creating broader opportunities for the development and cooperation in the fluid machinery sector.

Professor Zhang Desheng was invited to deliver a keynote speech at the sub-forum, titled "Study on the Fish Damage Mechanism and Prediction Model in the Axial Flow Pump". He presented the latest research progress made by his research team in recent years on the mechanism of fish damage and the development of prediction models in axial flow pumps.

By attending the conference, the researchers from the Fluid Center gained a comprehensive understanding of the latest research trends in the fluid machinery field both domestically and internationally, broadening their research horizons. Moreover, the conference provided an excellent opportunity to showcase Jiangsu University's research achievements and innovative capabilities on the international stage, laying a solid foundation for more extensive and in-depth international cooperation in the future.

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